Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to add fruits, vegetables or grains?

    Barbarian Pet Food adheres to a Prey Model Raw diet philosophy, which excludes fruits, vegetables, and grains. This approach is rooted in the understanding that a dog's pancreas produces a limited amount of amylase, making it less equipped to digest plant-based foods. Feeding fruits and vegetables is believed to potentially strain the pancreas as it attempts to break down substances it's not naturally designed to handle. Moreover, carbohydrates, particularly fruits, can contribute to yeast issues due to their sugar content, and the inclusion of vegetables in the diet has been associated with allergies in some cases.

    Additionally, the balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids is emphasized as crucial for various aspects of a dog's health, including brain function, eyesight, skin, and coat condition. Omega-6 is considered inflammatory, while Omega-3 is seen as anti-inflammatory. Dogs require specific Omega-3s, namely EPA and DHA, which are found in animal sources. Unlike herbivores that can convert ALA (found in plants) to EPA and DHA, dogs cannot perform this conversion efficiently.

  • What should I expect when transitioning my dog to raw?

    Every dog is unique, and your pet will undergo various changes as they embark on their new raw diet journey. During the initial stages of their transition, it's common for dogs to have loose stools, which is distinct from diarrhea. This adjustment period is a natural part of the process.

    It's crucial to bear in mind that the raw diet is significantly more nutrient-rich, and as your dog adapts, their body may go through a detoxification process, purging itself of toxins. This transition phase is temporary and usually signifies the body's positive response to a healthier and more natural diet.

  • Why is my dog vomiting?

    There can be various factors leading to your dog's vomiting. One common occurrence during the transition to a raw diet is vomiting, which can actually be a normal reaction as the body detoxifies. Additionally, dogs who are new to a raw diet might sometimes regurgitate their food and then promptly re-consume it. This behavior often arises from the dog's tendency to eat too quickly.

    If the vomit appears loose and yellow, it is referred to as "yellow bile," indicating that the dog's stomach is empty. To address this, consider dividing your dog's daily food portion into smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

  • Why is my dogs stool much smaller?

    The reduced size of your dog's stools is a result of their new raw diet, which is being efficiently digested and fully absorbed by their body. In contrast, the fillers present in your dog's previous diet, which were not effectively utilized, were passed through the digestive system and excreted, resulting in larger stools.

  • Why is my dog drinking less?

    Raw diets have significantly higher moisture content, with many of our Complete Mixes containing over 60% moisture, in line with the characteristics of raw food. This means your dog is obtaining a greater amount of moisture from their diet, reducing their need for additional water intake. In contrast, kibble completely lacks moisture and often contains added sodium, making dogs feel thirstier more frequently.

  • What time do I need to order by?

    All orders MUST be placed by 2:00PM/CST each Monday to be shipped that same week. Any orders placed after that time will be shipped the next Monday.

  • How will my product arrive?

    Expect that your order will arrive partially to fully thawed. All of our products are shipped frozen solid and packaged in insulated coolers, surrounded by dry ice and ice packs. As the package is going through transit, it will begin to thaw as the cooler has a refrigerator affect on your product and will allow it to thaw while remaining cool. Place in your freezer upon arrival.

  • What carrier do you use?

    All packages are shipped via UPS.

  • Should I feed the food frozen or thawed?

    Each dog is different and has their own preferences. Either option is fine and your dog will let you know what they prefer.

  • How should I thaw the food?

    Always thaw the food by tempering in the refrigerator. NEVER microwave your raw food.

  • What should I expect while transitioning my dog to raw food?

    Every dog is unique, and your dog will undergo certain adjustments as they start their new raw diet. It's probable that your dog will have loose stools during the transition, but it's essential to note that loose stools are not the same as diarrhea. This change may occur as your dog adapts to the nutrient-rich raw diet, and it can also be a sign of detoxification as the body naturally eliminates toxins.